How to create an invoice?

Goto search page and enter the bitcoin address through which you want to receive payment. Click on Create P2P Invoice. Enter details required and share the generated link to the peer who is required to make payment.

What is P2P invoice?

Peer to peer invoice enables you to receive payments using your own bitcoin address in a secure way. Invoice details are encrypted on your browser and protected using secret key. The secret key is never sent to server, which only stores the encrypted invoice content.

Why is this required, can't I just directly send my address to the payee? 

Bitcoin price is constantly changing. If your payee doesn't pay immediately, you may end up receiving less amount of BTC for a given amount of USD. Also there could be disputes regarding exchange rate as it differs across exchanges. For more information you can read our article on how to invoice without losing money. Blockonomics makes sure the payee is sending the correct amount of bitcoin according to the BTC price at the time of payment. Invoices can be paid even after days/weeks.

What fiat currencies are supported?

We support all major fiat currencies like USD/EUR/CAD etc.

When will the invoice expire?

Default expiry is seven days, you can change this.