- 1000: Captcha failed
- 1001: This requires you to add an XPUB to your wallet watcher
- 1002: You have multiple XPUBs in your wallet watcher
- 1003: Could not find a matching XPUB
- 1004: You are banned from using Blockonomics. Please contact support for clarification
- 1005: Your merchant account is disabled due to low balance
- 1006: Gap limit exceeded
- 1007: Cannot fill gap limit for guest user. Please use a real emailid
- 1008: Gap Limit Error: You are creating too many addresses/orders with no real payments
- 1009: Gap Limit Error: Unavailable gap limit funds
- 1010: Invalid API parameter
- 1011: Please pay pending fee on existing blockonomics accounts. Avoid creating duplicate accounts
- 1012 - 1013: Internal Errors
- 1014: Couldn't find addr in Xpub
Here are all the Blockonomics Error Codes with solutions to resolve each issue.
1000: Captcha failed
Try using another browser or incognito mode. If you are using a VPN try without VPN enabled or changing server.
1001: This requires you to add an xPub to your wallet watcher
Go to Merchants tab in Blockonomics and link your respective wallet to your Blockonomics account.
1002: You have multiple xPubs in your wallet watcher
To set up multiple websites follow the instructions in this article.
1003: Could not find a matching xPub
From Merchants, check your xPub and Callback URL are set up correctly. Click on Generate Button from the Merchants' tab > Payment Buttons/Widgets.
1004: You are banned from using Blockonomics. Please contact support for clarification
Contact support for clarification.
1005: Your merchant account is disabled due to low balance
To view your balance and add credit to your account visit the Blockonomics Payment Fee page. Your account will be automatically activated when the outstanding balance has been paid.
1006: Gap limit exceeded
Most of the time this is a temporary error and you can ignore. Visit this article if you are still facing issues
1007: Cannot fill gap limit for guest user. Please use a real emailid
Sign up for Blockonomics using your own email address.
1008: Gap Limit Error: You are creating too many addresses/orders with no real payments
Consult this article
1009: Gap Limit Error: Unavailable gap limit funds
Consult this article
1010: Invalid API parameter
One of the API parameters is invalid. See complete error message from server to identify for fix
1011: Please pay pending fee on existing blockonomics accounts. Avoid creating duplicate accounts
Use fee tab to pay pending fee. Avoid creating multiple accounts for same website/domain
1012 - 1013: Internal Errors
1014: Couldn't find addr in Xpub
In Test Bench, this means Bitcoin Wallet address that you are trying to send test payment to, doesn't belong to the store/account you have selected. To resolve this issues, Please make sure that you are selecting correct Store from the drop down option as shown below:
You can learn more about using Test Bench in this video.
If you are having trouble resolving any of these issues, feel free to contact our technical support for assistance.